Introduction: Fishing Knot

About: I LOVE knots. As well as other things. I post random 'Ibles not even related to knots. Sorry if there's a delay of when I post my instructables.
This is a Fishermans Knot, I decided to use these materials because you could see them easier than the fishing line.

Step 1: Materials Needed

Materials Needed
 -Fishing Line
-Hook, Lure, Swivel, etc.
-Oh, sorry! And Scissors or knife too!

Step 2: Put It Through!!

First- Put your Fishing Line in the eyelet.

Step 3: Twisting

First Pic.- Bring the Line on the right under the one on the left.

Second Pic.- Now Bring the one on the left over the right

Third-  Keep Twisting Untill about 4 or 5 times.

Step 4: Loopin'

Now, See that little loop at the bottom??
Yep, you guessed it! Pull it Through!!

Step 5: Almost Finished Product!!


Now, Snip off The remaining line

Step 6: Tighten

Now  Tighten the knot with your thumb, and finger! and Viola, your done!!