Introduction: FitMemory

FitMemory is a memory game made with Arduino and the Grove Starter Kit by Seeed Studio.

How to play:

1. There are 5 levels and 10 questions in total.

2. For every question, you'll see a number on the LCD screen for about 3 seconds, and it will disappear. Then you should try to enter the exact number you just saw by turning the knob on the right to adjust every digit, and the circular touch sensor next to it to go to the next digit. When you finish entering all the digits, push the button on the left and check if you've entered the correct number.

3. You need to correctly enter all 10 numbers to win, and the numbers will keep growing longer as you go up the levels.

Step 1: Materials and Assembly

What You'll need for this project:

1. Arduino Uno

2. Base Shield by Seeed Studio

3. Grove Starter Kit, which you can purchase here:

To Connect the Board:

1. Attach the Base Shield to the Arduino

2. Plug the sensors into these sockets on the shield:

Button: D3, Rotary: A3, Touch: D4, Buzzer, D8, LCD: I2C

Step 2: Code

You'll need the LCD library for the code to work.