Introduction: Fix Any Cd With Toothpaste,:

About: I am new to instructables so please bare with me at times , will be much appreciated .love music & playing guitar love crossbow,s enjoy making things out of nothing up for new challenges, ie projects. car…

fix dvds aswell.,:,

Step 1: Fix Your Ruined Cd,or Dvd,s,:


every one hope your all in good spirit and i dont mean alcohol

so your dvd or cd is scratched all over the place.

get some toothpaste and apply enough to cover the scratches

as you might know that dvd or cds have a picture or something covering the face

this is because the laser needs something to rebound off to be able to read and play the dvd.

so like i said cover the scratches with toothpaste but dont go mad & squirt a tube of paste .

you only need enough so there is no gaps for the laser to get through .

then let it dry, before you play it

hope this helps.

stay safe everyone

best wishes
