Introduction: Fix & Repair Your Noisy & Rough Drill Machines

About: Hi I am Marine Engineer by Profession. I Like things relating to Mechanical, electronics, Gaming and new inventions. I like repairing my house hold equipment's and keep them running in good condition generally…


Hello everyone in this instructable I will show u how to fix & Repair your noisy & rough drill machines

Every machine needs overhauling if ignored then it will affect its moving part to wear out due to various reasons for example:-

Lack of lubrication will lead to rise in temperature, Insufficient cooling, Erosion, wear down of gear etc....

Now days drill machines are found in every house since it's a very useful tool.

So I have decided to prepare this instructable as easy as possible for everyone.

It will just take your 1 hour to fully overhaul your drill machine properly and work like new, smooth with less noise.

Step 1: Things Required

I have Black & Decker 500W, 10mm Drill machine it's a very good brand, I am using it from past 1 year I have no issues with the drill machine till date and performance is too good.

Things needed

1. Screw driver.

2. Lint free cloth.

3. Brushes.

Step 2: Disassembling

Before opening drill machine take some precaution

1. Disconnect the power cord.

2. Keep work area clean (dust free, moisture free).

3. Do not force tools.

4. Use the right tools.

Opening Procedure

1. Loosen up all the screws.

2. Remove the body cover(Important make sure that the spring is not misplaced during removal of cover)

3. Remove in Sequence (spring, Fwd & Rev push button, hammer action switch button, chuck- gear assembly, helical gear-heat sink assembly, Armature & Stator Assembly).

Step 3: Visual Inspection & Cleaning

1. Visually inspect all the part for damage.

2. Look for any loose electrical connection and tighten it properly.

3. If the grease color is turned to blackish then it is recommended to replace it with a new grease.

4. Look for any dirt accumulation and clean it with a dry brush.

5. Clean the fan with brush.

6. Remove any dirt accumulation over the Stator, Rotor winding's carefully with dry brush.

7. Check freeness of the bearing.

Step 4: ​Cleaning Gears

1. For cleaning gears take a piece of paper, fold it from between and remove grease from the groves.

2. Lint free cloth is also used for cleaning grease.

Step 5: ​Cleaning Body Internally

1. Use dry lint free cloth for cleaning body internally.

2. Once all the grease is removed.

3. Spray glass cleaner liquid on the lint free cloth and clean again (don't spray directly on the body).

4. Let it be kept aside for drying.

Step 6: ​Applying Grease and Boxing Back

1. Use brush to apply grease on gears uniformly.

2. Don't apply excessive grease since during running it will stick to the body and get accumulated inside.

3. Apply machine oil on the shaft of chuck & gear assembly.

4. Assemble all the parts.

5. Hold the stator with one hand and rotate the chuck by hand (1 or 2 revolution so as to check the freeness of rotor and to distribute grease over the gears uniformly).

6. Box back and screw it tightly in sequence.

Now plug it in and run the machine at low rpm for few sec (30 sec) so as to avoid grease applied being thrown away from the gears.

Now after overhauling u will definitely feel smoother running, less noise from you drill machine

Overhauling period depends on your use mostly 1 year or your drill will let you know when it requires fresh grease and lubrication it will start become noisier during use, typically a loud squealing or screeching sound.

I hope this would be helpful to all.

Thank you.