Introduction: How Can I Reduce High Memory Usage in Windows 7
How to reduce svhost.exe CPU usage in Windows?
Most of the Windows 7 Users does experience the 100% CPU usage in their PC and Laptop.It’s really frustrating that your computer freeze by itself with no reason. So, you got a lot of questions on your mind.”Why my PC got slowdown? Is it a virus? Have someone got into my network and uses it? Or is it a malware type of attacks?” No. It’s because of background services called “svhost.exe” which running on your PC that consumes lot of RAM.
Windows svhost.exe:
Svchost.exe is a process on your computer that hosts, or contains, other individual services that Windows uses to perform various functions. For example, Windows Defender uses a service that is hosted by a svchost.exe process.So, how can we reduce the RAM consumed by this services.Fortunately, high CPU usage is usually easy to fix.
The above image shows my laptop CPU usage before disabling the svhost.exe process.
Step 1: Task Manager
If you have this problem, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.The Task manager will open.
Select Processes from the tab.See above image for further help.
Step 2: Click “Show Processes From All Users”.
It will display all processes from the CPU .Now scroll down and see if the svhost.exe are running.
Step 3: Svhost.exe Image
You can see lot of svhost.exe running in the background as shown above
Step 4: Svhost.exe With Lot of CPU Usage
Now select the svhost.exe which uses high consumption of CPU.In my case, svhost.exe with large usage is as shown above.
Step 5: Services
Now right click on the process with large CPU usage, click Go to Service(s), as shown above in the image.
Step 6: List of Services
Now the Windows Services executed by the svhost.exe processes will be shown above.
Here, we are going to stop the “Windows Update” services. Other services are needed by the pc hardware forget about other services.
Step 7: "Services"
click "Services"
Step 8:
Services window will open. Now select “Windows update” services.
Step 9:
a)Right click and select All Tasks and select Stop
Step 10: Properties
Windows will stop the “Windows Update” services.
Now right click on Windows Updates again and select Properties
Properties Window will open
Step 11:
Change Start-up type from Automatic (Delayed start) → Disabled
Click Apply and OK.
Step 12: Windows Search and Super Fetch
In addition to that you can stop the following services to reduce the CPU usage. They are
1. “Windows Search” : Windows Search is a desktop search platform that has instant search capabilities for most common file types and data types, and third-party developers can extend these capabilities to new file types and data types. You can turn off Windows Search if you don't use it
2. “Super Fetch” : Super fetch is a service that was introduced with Vista and has been part of Windows ever since. It tries to speed up your computing experience by pre-loading parts of programs into memory with sometimes detrimental effects as you had to experience. It tries to determine which software you use and stores parts of it to the Windows folder.
Unfortunately, Super fetch doesn't always get it right which software you're going to use and can keep your hard drive busy for minutes after booting. I found it especially annoying since it kept on loading software I wasn't even going to use or that I had only used once. Since I use a plethora of different programs every day, Super fetch actually had a massive negative impact on my computer's performance with keeping the hard drive busy for 5-10 minutes after a fresh boot. This is the very reason I have been running Windows with de activated Super fetch ever since it came out.
Step 13: Stop Windows Search and Super Fetch
Now repeat all the above procedure to stop Windows Search and Super Fetch services
Step 14: Final Result
Now, the above steps will reduce the CPU usage as shown above.
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Step 15: Conclusion
I hope, this will help you to considerably reduce the CPU usage and your system cannot freeze by itself.
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