Introduction: Fixing a Bent Soldering Iron Tip
Recently i dropped my soldering iron while it was on and it bent, and now while it is easier to solder around things, it has also caused a curve that solder seems to be "drawn into"(its a pain if you have this problem, because solder goes to the bend instead of the item being soldered)...
BTW: All of the pictures were taken by my droid incredible
BTW: All of the pictures were taken by my droid incredible
Step 1: Materials
Items You Will need
- A hammer - Get and use one with some weight so that you don't have to beat it to get it to mold
- Block of wood - To prevent floor damage
- Soldering iron with a bent tip
- Solder - To test the temperature of the tip
Step 2: Getting Ready
Plug in your soldering iron and once it is hot enough to melt solder set it on the wood. grab your hammer and gently tap it back to shape.
Step 3: Finished Product
This is how it turned out for me.