Introduction: Flip Car

This is an Arduino project. The project is about using Arduino, wheels and cardboard to make a simple fast and furious flip car model.

Step 1: Materials

1. 14x2(cm) cardboard 2 pieces

2. 5x2(cm) cardboard 4 pieces

3. 13x3(cm) cardboard 1 piece

4. 10x7(cm) cardboard 1 piece

5. 7x3(cm) lower angle 30 degrees and 150 degrees (parallelogram)

6. Arduino Leonardo or Uno x1

7. breadboard x1

8. 4 TT wheels

9. 4 AA batteries

10. 2 servo motor

11. 1 straw

12. 1 chopstick

13. 1 9V battery

14. 1 spray paint can (color black) not necessary

15. 1 button

Step 2: Circuit

Step 3: Model

Stick each cardboards to the corresponding length. For the front side and the parallelogram one, the cardboard has to save for around 30 degrees between the cardboard and the base

Step 4: Code

Code -

* Arduino Mothbot * * Digital Pin Wiring: * pin 7 - Pushbutton Signal * pin 11 - Right Servo Signal * pin 3 - Left Servo Signal * * Analog Pin Wiring: * pin 0 - Left Light Sensor Signal * pin 1 - Right Light Sensor Signal * * License: This work is licenced under the Creative Commons * Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To * view a copy of this licence, visit * * or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second * Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, * USA. */

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // START OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT SETUP

//--- Library #include

//--- Pin Definitions #define LEFTSERVOPIN 3 //The digital pin that the left servo is connected to #define RIGHTSERVOPIN 11 //The digital pin that the right servo is connected to #define LEFTLIGHTSENSOR 1 //The analog pin the left light sensor is connected to #define RIGHTLIGHTSENSOR 0 //The analog pin the right light sensor is connected to #define PUSHBUTTON 7 //The digital pin that the pushbutton sensor is connected to #define LED 13 //The LED on the arduino

//--- Servo Setup Servo leftServo; Servo rightServo; //--- Speed Setup int robotSpeed = 75; //set the speed of the robot int rightSpeed = 50; int leftSpeed = 50;

//--- Sensor Values int leftLightSensorVal = 0; int rightLightSensorVal = 0; int lightSensorThreshold = 200;

//--- On/Off values int pushButtonVal = 0; int old_pushButtonVal = 0; int pushButtonState = 0;

//--- Delay Threshold int delayParam = 10; //Supported Times - 0 - 255 (0 to 25.5 Seconds) value * 100 milliseconds

// END OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT SETUP //------------------------------------------------------------------------

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //START OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT PROGRAM

//--- The program setup void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Starts the serial port robotSetup(); //sets the state of all neccesary //pins and adds servos to your sketch }

//--- The main program code void loop() { //--- Get information from the light sensor leftLightSensorVal = analogRead(LEFTLIGHTSENSOR); rightLightSensorVal = analogRead(RIGHTLIGHTSENSOR); //--- Get information from the pushbutton sensor pushButtonVal = digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON); //--- Set the state of the pushbutton if((pushButtonVal == HIGH) && (old_pushButtonVal == LOW)) { Serial.println("Button Pushed"); pushButtonState = 1 - pushButtonState; delay(10); // Simple de-bouncing } //--- Reset the state of the push button old_pushButtonVal = pushButtonVal; //--- If pushbutton state HIGH then turn on the robot and // listen to the light sensor information if(pushButtonState == 1) { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn LED ON if(leftLightSensorVal - rightLightSensorVal >= lightSensorThreshold) { Serial.println("Left"); goLeft(); delay(delayParam * 100); goStop(); } else if(rightLightSensorVal - leftLightSensorVal >= lightSensorThreshold) { Serial.println("Right"); goRight(); delay(delayParam * 100); goStop(); } else { Serial.println("Forward"); goForward(); delay(delayParam * 100); goStop(); } } else { Serial.println("Stop"); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn LED OFF goStop(); } }

//END OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT PROGRAM //------------------------------------------------------------------------

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //START OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT FUNCTIONS

//--- The setup for the robot void robotSetup() { //--- Set the speed of the robot setSpeed(robotSpeed); //--- Set up the servos pinMode(LEFTSERVOPIN, OUTPUT); //sets the left servo signal pin //to output pinMode(RIGHTSERVOPIN, OUTPUT); //sets the right servo signal pin //to output leftServo.attach(LEFTSERVOPIN); //attaches left servo rightServo.attach(RIGHTSERVOPIN); //attaches right servo //--- Set up the pushbutton pinMode(PUSHBUTTON, INPUT); //sets the pushbutton sensor pin to input //--- Set up the LED to see robot state pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //sets the led pin as output //--- Tell the robot to stop the servos goStop(); }

//--- Set the speed of the robot between 0-(stopped) and 100-(full speed) void setSpeed(int newSpeed) { setSpeedLeft(newSpeed); //sets left speed setSpeedRight(newSpeed); //sets right speed }

//--- Set the speed of the left wheel void setSpeedLeft(int newSpeed) { if(newSpeed >= 120) {newSpeed = 120;} //if speed is greater than 120 //make it 120 if(newSpeed <= 0) {newSpeed = 0;} //if speed is less than 0 make //it 0 leftSpeed = newSpeed * 0.9; //between 0 and 90 }

//--- Set the speed of the right wheel void setSpeedRight(int newSpeed) { if(newSpeed >= 120) {newSpeed = 120;} //if speed is greater than 120 //make it 120 if(newSpeed <= 0) {newSpeed = 0;} //if speed is less than 0 make //it 0 rightSpeed = newSpeed * 0.9; //scales the speed to be }

//--- Move the robot forward void goForward() { leftServo.write(90 + leftSpeed); rightServo.write(90 - rightSpeed); }

//--- Move the robot backward void goBackward() { leftServo.write(90 - leftSpeed); rightServo.write(90 + rightSpeed); }

//--- Move the robot right void goRight() { leftServo.write(90 + leftSpeed); rightServo.write(90 + rightSpeed); }

//--- Move the robot left void goLeft() { leftServo.write(90 - leftSpeed); rightServo.write(90 - rightSpeed); }

//--- Stop the robot void goStop() { leftServo.write(90); rightServo.write(90); }

//END OF ARDUINO MOTHBOT FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------

Link to download -

Step 5: Final Product

Thanks for watching my tutorial.