Introduction: Floating Game/DVD Shelf
Around a few years ago, a buddy of mine saw a article on the internet on how to make a floating game shelf. He showed me a picture of it and asked me to make one for him. This is what I came up with.
Step 1: Materials
Here is what you need:
An DVD or video game case
Scissors, X-Acto, or Dremel
Phillips screwdriver (or another type, depends on the screw you are using)
L- Brackets (Size does not truly matter as long as it fits in the case and is wide enough to balance the case)
Wall Anchors
Screws compatible with your anchors
Power Drill
An DVD or video game case
Scissors, X-Acto, or Dremel
Phillips screwdriver (or another type, depends on the screw you are using)
L- Brackets (Size does not truly matter as long as it fits in the case and is wide enough to balance the case)
Wall Anchors
Screws compatible with your anchors
Power Drill
Step 2: Carve the Case
Cut a small hole on the side of the case that snaps shut. MAKE SURE it is not on the binding/folding side. Be sure to make the hole large enough to fit the bracket within. You could add two brackets for added stability. (I did not but it would greatly add to the ease of use)
Step 3: Drill the Wall
This is fairly self explanatory, just drill into you're wall. I did not even drill into studs. These shelves are fairly low weight so I did not see a need for a stud. These have been hanging on the wall for years now with no sagging. Now you insert the wall anchors.
Step 4: Screw on the Brackets
Yet another self-explanatory step, just screw in the the brackets to the anchors.
Step 5: Finish
Now put your games or DVD's on top of the others. I would put more than one supported case per stack as it can ease the weight on the brackets.