Introduction: Floodlight Night Eye Fix
I have a floodlight on my screen porch, but the motion sensor is inside the garage. On the motion sensor is also a night eye to keep the light from coming on during the day. Well, it is dark enough in the garage that the night eye thinks that it is night all the time, thus it comes on whenever someone goes into the garage. My first idea for fixing this, was to put a timer on the light, so that it only came on at a certain time. Then I realized that it would be easier to just move the night eye. So, without further ado...
Step 1: Skills/tools
Skills needed:
Basic soldering skills
Wire cutters/strippers
Soldering iron
Electrical Tape
Staple gun
Two lengths of phone wire (or some other fine wire)
Step 2: Motion Sensor Disassembly
Turn OFF the light switch. Make sure that there is no electricity going to the light or motion sensor.
Take the four screws out of the bottom of the motion sensor and remove the bottom plate. The night eye will be right beneath this cover.
Step 3: Cut, Solder, and Tape
Once you locate the night eye, cut one of the leads and solder both ends of a length of wire onto the two halves of the cut lead. Do the same thing for the other lead. Wrap all soldered joints in electrical tape, so that they do not make contact with one another.
Step 4: Reassembly
Push the night eye through the original hole in the bottom cover (you might have to remove a clear plastic piece covering the hole) and screw everything into place. Using staples, you can now put the night eye wherever you want.
Thanks for taking the time to read my Instructable. If you think that it is worthy, please vote for it in the Fix It contest.