Introduction: Floor Lighting
The new project that I made for the Lighting contest is a Light that you can drop on the floor anywhere.
This can be put Upside Down.. Horizontally and Vertically
This is made from 11 MDF 6mm board (25cm * 25cm)
1 Board for the structure (the big circle that would hold the rest of the wood)
10 Boards for the slices 2 per board, therefore at the end you get 20 slices of wood
The light is quite heavy and would then be perfect for dropping that in the corner of the room, even on some cupboard or desk
I Hope that you will find a great place for this in you interior design
for sure send me some pictures of what you have made out of it
Step 1: Cutting the Boards
For the board cutting I have used my great machine "Zmorph SX2.0". This is like a factory desktop ;-)
But anyway this can be made with any CNC router that you can use. Just follow the plan that I have provided and you can see also how this is done on my machine with the Video I have added
I have drawn the plan on Inkscape reusing some circle to hold made for another lamp that I have made
Then for the slice I defined a shape that could be used to play with the light Upside Down so as vertically
For the electric par this is a piece that I bought in my local DIY shop made for the Bedside lighting
Step 2: Assembling the Parts
So, once you have cut all the pieces
* One board for the Circle structure
* 10 boards for the 20 slices
Then this is a piece of cake to assemble them
But first pass the Electrical socket inside the hole of the circle
Then you can assemble the pieces all together as I have done on the Video that I have added to that step
At about the middle of the assembling process, do not forget to put the light bulb inside, otherwise it will be difficult once that you have all the pieces assembled
Step 3: Enjoy the New Lighting Experience
For me this is my first experience with such a light, I didn't get to see one light that you drop on the floor in the different shops that I have visited.
Therefore I hope that this experience would be great for you too and do not hesitate to post your remarks
And of course do not hesitate to vote for me into that lighting contest.
Please drop me pictures of what you got to do yourself!