Introduction: Floppy Password Guard
So many passwords to remember...
So many floppy discs remaining...
Well, why not to make a Floppy Password Guard in 5 minutes?
Let's make one!
Step 1: Materials
You will need only this:
1. An old floppy disc;
2. Paper label;
3. Pen;
4. Scissor.
Step 2: Cutting the Label
Cut a 8 x 20 mm paper label.
Step 3: Sticking the Label
Stick the paper label on the surface of the disk , after open the metal window.
Step 4: Writing the Password
Write the password (or the girl phone number, or a nuclear launch code) in the label with a fine pen.
Step 5: Hidding the Number
Rotate the disk to hide the label. You can stick more labels also, if you want.
Step 6: Have Peace of Mind
That's it! Now you can have more space in your memory to store more important things than that pesky passwords.