Introduction: Flower Heart Canvas
This flower heart canvas is an easy and perfect gift for Valentine's Day!
Step 1: Supplies
- Blank Canvas
- Hot Glue Gun
- Sissors
- Pencil
- Fake Flowers
Step 2: Remove the Flowers From the Stems
I tried cutting off the flowers at first but then realized that I could just pop them off.
Step 3: Draw a Heart on Your Canvas
I just a stencil to draw this heart. To make a heart stencil fold your paper in half. On the folded side of the paper draw half a heart, then cut the heart out on the pencil marks. Finally trace onto your canvas.
Step 4: Arrange Your Flowers
Arrange your flowers where you want to glue them down. Keep rearranging them until you like how it looks.
Step 5: Glue the Flowers
Glue the flowers to your canvas