Introduction: Fluffy Flowers
Fluffy Flowers is an easy and satisfying craft for children. The materials are readily available, making it ideal to create at home or at school. Best of all, the flowers can be used in many different ways to produce fun and unique projects.
2 circle patterns (3" and 6" circles made from poster-board or a file folder)
tissue paper - multicolored
construction paper - blue, yellow, green
12" ruler
bottle of white glue
stapler with staples
paper edgers scissors
Step 1: Cutting Tissue Paper
On yellow tissue paper, measure a 4" x 4" square and cut 2 squares. Using red tissue paper, cut out 8 of the 4" x 4" squares.
Step 2: Staple Squares Together
Stack the 8 squares of red tissue paper together, then add the 2 yellow squares on top.
Staple the squares together with one staple in the middle of the stack.
Step 3: Tracing Pattern
Center the 3" circle pattern on top of the stapled stack and trace around it onto the yellow tissue paper.
Step 4: Cut Out Flower
Using the paper edgers scissors to create a ruffled edge, cut out the stapled circle (10 layers).
Step 5: Scrunching the Flower Petals
Start with the top layer of yellow tissue paper. Scrunch or crinkle the paper toward the center of the circle.
Continue to scrunch each layer separately until all the layers have been crinkled together.
Shape or separate "petals" as needed to create a fluffy flower.
Step 6: Make Two More Flowers
Follow Steps 1 through 5 to create two more colorful flowers.
The purple and pink flower has 4 purple squares on the bottom, 4 pink squares in the middle, and two yellow squares on top. The pink flower has 2 alternating shades of pink to make a stack of 8 squares with 2 yellow squares on top, for a total of 10 squares.
Step 7: Flower Vase
Put the 6" circle pattern on top of a piece of yellow construction paper. Trace around the circle pattern.
Fold the circle in half and cut along fold.
Cut a small piece of the half-circle as shown to give the vase a flat surface.
Step 8: Green Leaves
To make 2 leaves, fold a 6" x 3" green piece of construction paper lengthwise.
Using a pencil, draw 2 arches as shown.
Cut out the leaves, being careful not to cut on the fold. Open the leaves.
Step 9: Flower Arranging
On a sheet of blue construction paper, place the flowers, vase, and leaves.
Move things around until you are happy with your arrangement.
Step 10: Gluing the Flower Arrangement
Glue the yellow vase and the flowers onto the blue construction paper.
For a 3-D effect, put glue on one-half of the leaf as shown and glue it down onto the blue paper.
Step 11: Finished Flowers!
Now your Fluffy Flowers arrangement is ready to be enjoyed!
Step 12: More Ways to Use Fluffy Flowers
Here are a few more ideas for using Fluffy Flowers:
Instead of a bow, put a flower on top of a wrapped package.
Dress-up a plain gift bag by taping or gluing Fluffy Flowers on it.
Add a flower or two onto a greeting card or stationery.
Fluffy Flowers also make great borders for a bulletin board or use them in a springtime mural.