Introduction: "Fluxx: the Board Game" Pegboard Hack
Fluxx: the Board Game, by Looney Labs (the creators of the "Looney Pyramids" and the "Fluxx" card game series) was recently released. A common complaint is that the pegs used for tracking the current rules of the game don't seat fully in the pegboards. While the game is all about change, rules changing every time the board is bumped is a tad too much flux for most people.
Andrew Looney proposed affixing foam "feet" at the corners on his blog, Wunderland. Fan Daniel Hess (of Midsouth Makers) created a 3D-printable pegboard tray to serve the same purpose: lifting the board from the table so the pegs can fully seat.
When I received my demo copy today, I hacked together the following solution, using only cellotape and one of the punchout frames from the included board tiles. The results are sturdy, snazzy (if I may say so myself), and in keeping with the aesthetic of the components (since they use identical material).
You'll need
* your very own copy of Fluxx: the Board Game, complete with
* at least one of the punchout frames; and
* a utility knife, with, of course,
* a good cutting surface; and don't forget
* the cellotape.
Andrew Looney proposed affixing foam "feet" at the corners on his blog, Wunderland. Fan Daniel Hess (of Midsouth Makers) created a 3D-printable pegboard tray to serve the same purpose: lifting the board from the table so the pegs can fully seat.
When I received my demo copy today, I hacked together the following solution, using only cellotape and one of the punchout frames from the included board tiles. The results are sturdy, snazzy (if I may say so myself), and in keeping with the aesthetic of the components (since they use identical material).
You'll need
* your very own copy of Fluxx: the Board Game, complete with
* at least one of the punchout frames; and
* a utility knife, with, of course,
* a good cutting surface; and don't forget
* the cellotape.
Step 1: Sad Fluxx
The pegboards won't hold the pegs. But wait! Propped up by exactly the thickness of the chipboard, they will!
Step 2: Measure
Measure and cut an "L" from one of the chipboard "frames" left over from punching out your tiles. Use a short side of the frame for the short side of the pegboard for best material usage.
Step 3: Cut
Cut the frame where you measured. If you've skipped ahead, you know you'll be mitring the corners, so go ahead and cut them like that now, rather than straight like I did.
To achieve a clean cut with a utility knife, make several passes with light pressure. Be unhurried, and soon you'll find you've cut through entirely, leaving a smoother cut than if you'd powered through.
To achieve a clean cut with a utility knife, make several passes with light pressure. Be unhurried, and soon you'll find you've cut through entirely, leaving a smoother cut than if you'd powered through.
Step 4: Measure Again
Using the opposite corner of the frame, cut another piece identical to the first.
Step 5: Realise Corners Must Be Mitred
Oops! That won't be very stable. Now, full of self-loathing and beratement, cut the corners off at 30°-45° angles so they fit together.
Step 6: Cut Tape
You'll need skinny "rolls" or "loops" of tape to attach these (or double-sided tape if you have it handy). Cut inch-long pieces of tape and halve them longitudinally. Then roll them up along that same axis to make long, skinny loops of tape. If you need pictures for that, may God have mercy on your soul.
Step 7: Apply Tape
Like so. Thusly.
Step 8: Mount Frame
Ensuring the edges of the frame are flush with the sides of the pegboard, affix them to its underside.
Step 9: Booyah!
Also, word.
Step 10: Happy Fluxx
Do the same thing with the other card. If you used opposing corners with the first one, and oriented it so you used the short sides of the frame for the short sides of the card, you'll have large enough pieces. If not, hey, you've got another punchout frame in the box.