Introduction: Fly Dryer
When fly fishing your flies usually get wet and the start to shrink. Here is an easy way to fix that. You will need
Drill and drill bits
12 to 18in of paracord
knife or scissors
Step 1: Step 1
For the first step you need to put ypur cork in a clamp and make sure it is straight don't tighten it too tight
Step 2: Step 2
Step 2 put you dril bit in your drill the make sure it stays. Then drill a hole in the center in the cork and try not to break the corks. Make sure you keep everything straight
Step 3: Step 3
Step 3 put your paracorde through the cork but don't cut it yet
Step 4: Step Four
After you have the paracord through the cork tie a diamond knot.The burn off the excess cord and there you have it that's how you make you fly dryer .