Introduction: Flying Origami

Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into different objects, shapes, and animals. This instructable will guide you though on how to make a beautiful flapping origami bird. These instructions will teach you basic folds used in origami that will contribute to the final product, a bird with flapping wings. No need to be an expert, this craft can be created by all levels of expertise. This craft is so fun and easy and it will only take a few minutes of your time. Once you learn these basic oragami steps, constructing the flapping bird will only become easier with each time you construct this craft. Have fun and good luck.

Step 1: List of Supplies

Luckily, the art of origami is not an expensive hobby to have. All you need for supplies are:
             1) A square sheet of paper.
             2) A hard surface.

*You can purchase square sheets of oragami paper with beautiful designs at any crafts store. Usually these sheets are very colorful and come in many different themed designs. Or you can make your own square sheet from leftover rectangular paper. If you make your own square sheet, you can color or draw you own personal designs.
*You need a hard surface so you can fold good, clean creases into the paper. Clean creases are important for further steps down the road. Always fold clean creases unless instructed otherwise.

Step 2: Folding

This first step is to make the initial fold lines. These fold lines will assist in a few of the more difficult steps to come. Like mentioned before, be certain to make sharp creases so your lines are easily indentifiable and easier to work with.
               1) Position the sheet so the colorful/desired side is facing the table.
               2) Fold one corner to the opposite corresponding corner.
               3) Turn the sheet 90 degrees.
               4) Fold the remaining corner to its opposite corner.
               5) Fold paper in half so it makes a rectangle when folded.
               6) Fold paper in half again.
               7) Check that sheet has 4 creased lines (like in the last photo):
                              A) 2 from corner to corner.
                              B) 2 from top to bottom.

Step 3: Condense Paper

1) Position sheet so the colorful/desired side is facing upward.
               Notice: the creases make four squares on the paper that have a line intersecting each from                    corner to corner. Look at the first photo to see this observation.
2) Focus on one square created by the fold lines.
3) Take the paper and push the creases that intersect the two squares next to your square of focus.
4) Push the intersecting folds inward like in the third and fourth photos.

*Paper should collapse into a smaller square.

Step 4: Slight Crease

This step is needed more or less for guidance of a fold in the next step to come. Keep in mind that this fold may have to be adjusted later.
               1) Have folded corner pointing upward.
               2) Make a slight crease in the folded top corner one fourth the way down the square.
                              NOTE: Do NOT make a sharp crease.

Step 5: Wings

1) Again, make sure the folded corner is pointing upward.
2) Take the bottom flap and pull upward like in the second photo.
3) Pull the flap until it folds along the slight crease made in the previous step.
4) Fold right side down and make a sharp crease.
               NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the slight crease when aligning the right side. You may                  do what is necessary to neatly and evenly align the right side.
5) Fold the left side down so it is aligned just like the right side.

*The resulting folds should give a diamond shape like in the last photo. This will be one of the bird's wings.

Step 6: Repeat

Turn sheet over and repeat Step 5 Wings.

               1) Take the bottom flap and pull upward like in the first and second photo.
               2) Pull the flap until it folds along the slight crease made in the step 4 Slight Crease
               3) Fold the right side down and make a sharp crease like in the fourth photo.
                              NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the slight crease when aligning the right side.                                   Do what is necessary to neatly and evenly align the right side.
               4) Fold the left side down so it is aligned just like the right side.

*Final result should yield a diamond shape with two legs on the bottom like in the last photo.

Step 7: Head and Tail

1) Pull the right flap sideways so it is flat like shown in the second and third photos.
2) Pull the flap upward like in the fourth photo.
3) Fold along the crease down the center of the flap like in the fifth and sixth photos.

Step 8: Repeat

Repeat step 7 Head and Tail for the other the flap.
               1) Pull the flap sideways so it is flat.
               2) Pull the lap upward. 
               3) Fold along the crease down the center of the flap like in the second photo.

Step 9: Make the Head

1) Chose the flap that you want to make the bird head on.
               Note: When determining which flap to make the head of the bird on, pick the flap that                                looks less neat. Making the head on the worse looking flap will hide its the flaws and will                                  also leave the neater flap available for the tail.
2) Push the tip of the flap downward like in the first and second photos.
3) Smooth the crease.

Step 10: Fly Birdie Fly

Congratulations! You have now finished your flapping origami bird. Now that you completed the bird itself, it's time to impress all and learn how to make your bird fly.
               1) Hold onto the front "feet" below the head.
               2) Pull on tail to make the wings flap.

Don't stop now. Now that you know these basic origami steps, challenge yourself. Try making different sized birds, different colors, or different styles. Try adding your own touch to the origami flapping bird. If you are interested in trying something new, purchase an origami book. These instructional origami books contain tons of information on how to make new animals and shapes that are both easy and difficult. Share your new knowledge with others. Teach others how to make an origami flapping bird or jest impress your friends with what you can make out of a paper dinner menu. Indulge in your new found knowledge and keep trying new things!