Introduction: Folk Chic Shoe-Shoes
These relaxed booties will see you through festival field and highstreet tarmac.
Step 1: Materials
You're going to need:
wooden buttons,
vintage fabric ribbon of three sizes,
shoes to decorate,
strong fabric glue, I'm trying out a new brand since it's become difficult to get my usual.
wooden buttons,
vintage fabric ribbon of three sizes,
shoes to decorate,
strong fabric glue, I'm trying out a new brand since it's become difficult to get my usual.
Step 2: Tools
You'll also need:
Needle you don't mind getting glue on,
mini clamps or bulldog clips.
Needle you don't mind getting glue on,
mini clamps or bulldog clips.
Step 3: Cut Your Ribbon to Size
There is no exact art to this. I used squares of one ribbon and a long thin strip of another. I then frayed the edge of the larger ribbon and loosely stitched one side of the thinner ribbon to bunch it into a semi circle.
Step 4: Create Half Bows
I applied glue to one side of each square and then bunched it together to form fan like shapes. I used the clamps to hold them until almost dry.
Step 5: Cut and Glue Your Hessian
Stuff your shoe with whatever you have to hand to simulate a foot. Then lay your hessian over the shoe and roughly cut the shape you need out.
Glue the hessian on and neaten up the edges as you want.
Glue the hessian on and neaten up the edges as you want.
Step 6:
Assemble your shape on the shoe. I added a third strip of ribbon to disguise an edge.
Step 7:
Pop the button in the middle of the shape.
Step 8: Done!
Enjoy your shoes