Introduction: Food Saver Microsd Holder
Over the years of using microsd cards, I have found them fiddly. Worst, you're loading them into a device with enough spring tension it could be grafted into a working miniature trebuchet, jettisoning your precious card across the room a couple of times before it's safely seated in your device.
My solution, if you have a food saver, is to make your own. In the time you would drive to your local source with one you would likely pay a lot more for. Let's get started.
Only warning for this instructable is not have the microsd in the food saver material when you're making seals. There is a crush and excessive heat exposure.
Step 1: An Even Rectangle
If you don't already have a seal straight across, go ahead and make one. About 2 inches farther, make another one as shown. Then carefully cut the rectangle off, so you have a nice rectangle, sealed all the way around.
Step 2: Each Side Will Hold a Card
Use a microsd card to measure from what will be the bottom edge. You're about to make a slit along the entire edge, so the top of the card will just be covered. Do this on the other side too, you're making one that has a card on each side.
Step 3:
After you cut all the way across, it should look like a long shallow pocket.
Step 4: This Will Likely Be the Trickiest Part
With previous test pieces, I found out how to align my new microsd holder to make the proper width for each card. I placed the seal about 1/16 of an inch past the foam. For my sealer, this distance makes another seal large enough to place another card next to it, making it easy to slip them in and out. Probably not a big deal slightly larger, but obviously it can be so close together it won't fit.
Step 5: This Is What Happens When You Have It Properly Aligned
You're making a seal across both of those long shallow pockets you previously cut, thus making two pockets simultaneously. You've probably figured out by now that you can measure any size storage slot for any other small item to make it more organized for portability.
I'm going to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine in about three weeks, so it's important to keep these little cards from being lost.
Step 6: The Last Touch Is an Option to You
Since you cut the slits so the microsd fits all the way in, you might find it hard to remove them. If you need to, cut a shallow "V" shape in the top, to allow for your fingernail to catch the edge of the chip.
Step 7: Now You Have a Home Made Microsd Card Holder
Some of your friends are likely to be jealous.