Introduction: Fossil Hunting

About: I'm an imaginative student who hopes to share some of his pass times and knowledge with the rest of Instructables. I collect Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils, and Lotr is forever my favorite book series (hence my …
Paleontology has always been a favorite.  It all started with a Petoskey stone in 1st Grade, and expanded from there! In this Instructable I hope to Show people this fun and rewarding activity.

Step 1: Materials

the following are needed:

1. Hands

2. Eyes

3. A capacity to learn

4. A sense of adventure

5. Pockets or containers

Step 2: Location

This is the big question. Where do you want to hunt? Areas that are disturbed by man are excellent, examples being mines. quarries, and cutbanks. Lakes and riverbeds are also very good. Other possible sites are areas made of sedimentary rock, which are littered with fossils, such as peninsula point in Michigan. Where ever you go, keep in mind one thing. If the land is privately owned, permission is needed, this also applies to mines and quarries. You can additionally contact the Geological Survey in your state (providing you live in America).

Step 3: Hunting

Now comes the fun part. To start off, just walk around. Yep, just walk.
Bend over to survey the ground. Be careful while surveying the ground,
or risk smacking into a tree (don't ask). Any specimens found can be stored in a container, or simply shoved in a pocket.
If you're at a lake or riverbed, be prepared to stick your arm into icy-cold water.
Store your findings in a safe container, or put them up for display.

Step 4: El Fin

i hope you enjoy hunting as much as i do. i would also like to see any interesting fossils you have. Here are some of my favorites.
Thank you for viewing my first Instructable!