Introduction: Four-button Light Sequencer

About: Sucks at soldering, [hopefully] compensates with coding.
I'm still waiting for my order of breadboard etc. and I didn't feel like soldering a new board from scratch, so I've decided to turn Fairly Simple Simon into a "light show" sequencer.

(Music: "Talk to me" by Boelo de Smit (@theBOELO), shared under the cc-by creative common license).

4 LEDs may not be much of a light show, but the sequencer can be modified to run anything you want (and with as many outputs as you want) as "patterns" (relays, fountains, missiles, light-cube, etc.). IMHO, the fact that 4 buttons can actually do something remotely interesting and record it, says there's a lot more potential with a little bit more buttons.

Step 1: Build It

The only difference between this circuit and the "analog version" of Fairly Simple Simon is a potentiometer for tuning the speed of the patterns (it doesn't affect sequence timing, though. When there's a tempo change, best thing is to record a new sequence anyway).

The code (ledseq.pde) is attached.
