Introduction: Frame for an Old Laptop LCD

I am building a frame to put an old LCD screen from an old laptop

I also made a video for this, hope you enjoy, i will soon hope to make a better quality-more details video soon

Step 1: LCD

I used an 17' LCD from an laptop that died a few years ago, you can use almost any LCD used by laptops.

Step 2:

After many ideas i decided to go with Ikea and i bought a Ribba frame 30x40 cm

Step 3:

i opened the frame and decided how i wanted to position the screen inside the frame

Step 4:

I used a cardboard to measure the screen size and make some measurements for the best positioning and looking, and marked where the cables will enter under the frame

Step 5:

Positioning the LCD controller board according to the lengths of the cables and cutting the whole to connect the LCD

Step 6:

As next step i measured the white cardboard to be cut according to the needs and to be able to fully use screen

Step 7:

Before putting all together i clean the glass of the frame since it wont be open soon

Step 8:

i connected the LCD to the controller and stared to position the components acoordingly.

Step 9:

As a final step, for the cables not to fly around i had used tape for cable management

Step 10:

as a final product, im very happy how it turned up to be and i wont keep this gorgeous LCD deposit anywhere else