Introduction: Fried PeanutButter Bacon Sandwich!

Get ready for your mouth to go "Yeeeeeeeee!"

Ok, so it kinda looks like cheese... But that is warm gooey Peanut Butter my friends. Oh my :)

Step 1: The Ingredients

Your Favorite super delicious Bread (I chose a sesame bread. It is sooooo good! plus it was on sale :)

Peanut Butter of your choice (Also almond butter would be amazing!!!!)

A few nice slices of some awesome Cooked Bacon!!!!

Step 2: Assemble!

Build that Beautiful sandwich :)

and Prep that frying pan! Get a nice slather of butter heating up.
Oh yeah baby!

Step 3: Fry and Enjoy!

'nough said.

Oh just look at that PB goo-ing out all over!

Bacon Contest

Participated in the
Bacon Contest