Introduction: Toxic Banana Waste (A Very Gross Halloween Dessert)

About: Hello everyone, im a lonely knexer in a country where i battle zombies every day. Just kidding!!! No but im really a lonely knexer. The closist knexer is over 100 miles away. Top 5 Favorite artists/ba…
This is a gross invention i made based of one of my sisters recepies, it look's gross, it feels gross, it smells gross, but its delicios.
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Step 1: Supplies

You'll need:
Frying Pan
Corn Syrup
Green food coloring
Vanilla Exctract

Step 2: Prepareing the Bananas

1. Slice the bananas.
2. Heat up the frying pan(Just about any tempeture),put butter in the frying pan.
3. Put the sliced Bananas and Vanilla Extract in.
4. Wait a while and put in the Corn Syrup.

Step 3: Turn Them to Waste

1. Place in blender with the green food coloring.
2. Blend.
3. Serve Hot.