Introduction: From Tree Bark to Comb

About: Hey, This is Alpaca Studio.

I found this tree bark from scraps. Normally, this kind of material will be thrown away. This time I gonna use it to make something cool.

tool: bench planer


Japanese pull saw

coping saw

sandpaper (120/ 240/ 320)

Step 1: Clean the Surface

I first cleaned the surface of the tree bark with a bench plane.

I noticed there is a small knot which is hard to remove. So I used a chisel.

Step 2: Cut the Shape

Then I draw the shape of the comb on the bark with a white pencil. I cut the shape with a pull saw and a coping saw.

Step 3: Cut the Teeth

I used the same tools to cut the teeth of the comb.

Step 4: Shape the Teeth

It seems that the teeth are still too thick for a wood comb. So I used a chisel to reshape them.

After that, I used sandpaper to smooth the teeth as well as shape the teeth.

Step 5: Finishing!

Finally, I applied some wax to the comb to finish it.

The job is done!

Thanks for watching and have a nice day.