Introduction: From Spoon to Broadhead
This instructable will teach you to turn a normal spoon into the blade for a broadhead and subsequently affix it to a field tip.
-anvil/hard surface
-dremel and various bits
-table top grinder
-soldering kit
-blade sharpener
-field tip
Step 1: Hammer It Flat
Hammer the spoon flat.
Draw your broadhead outline.
Step 2: Cutting the Shape
Affix your spoon handle into the vice.
Place a cutting disc onto the dremel.
Cut the two sides off the spoon, giving you a nice triangle.
*Do not cut the handle off yet!
Step 3: Grinding the Edge
Use the table top grinder to shape crude edges.
The spoon handle makes it a lot easier to grind the edges.
Step 4: Field Tip Preparation
*You can use either a hollow field tip that is glued onto a shaft or a solid field tip that screws into an insert.
Here I use a solid field tip. The same steps applies to both solid and hollow field tips.
Clamp the field tip horizontally in the vice.
Cut the tip off using the dremel.
Clamp the field tip vertically in the vice.
Cut approximately half way through the field tip.
Step 5: Lose the Handle
Time to get rid of the spoon handle.
Clamp the handle in the vice.
With the dremel cut the outline of a square into the broadhead.
Then cut the handle off.
*I cut a small square into the broadhead to facilitate the field tip as seen in the pictures.
Take the dremel with a grinding bit now and narrow on either side of the broadhead to make it easier to fit the field tip onto the broadhead.
Step 6: Combine It All
This part can be a little tricky.
You may have to grind down either side of the broadhead till the field tip fits.
Vice the broadhead and lightly hammer the field tip into the space.
Step 7: Solder It Together
For this step I used a mini butane torch since my soldering iron wasn't hot enough.
Fill the gaps with solder. Allow to cool.
With a dremal, a cutting tip and a grinding tip, get rid of the extra solder.
Clean up the broadhead with the grinding tip and a wire brush tip.
Step 8: Finishing Touches
Use the sharpener to give the broadhead a razor sharp edge.