Introduction: Frozen Basil Bullets

I always wind up with tons on Basil over the summer which I make up into Pesto and freeze in ice cube trays for use over the winter. This year I still have Pesto from last summer. What to do with the plethora of Basil growing???..... Frozen Basil Bullets! Fresh chopped up Basil frozen in plug/bullet shaped ice cube tray. I love this tray because you can easily push the frozen yummies out by pushing the buttony bottom of the trays. Other trays tend to crack on me.

Step 1: Grow It & Pick It

So first you have to grow (or buy) a lot of Basil. This year I am growing Sweet Basil and Purple Basil. Once you have a bunch of good leaves, pick them!

Step 2: Wash It & Chop It.

I use any leaf so if the bugs have been munching on it or laying eggs on it, you might really want to give it a good wash. I then pat dry it but not to dry. You need the water to help the chopped Basil to stick together while freezing

Step 3: Load in to a Handy Ice Cube Tray

So take your ground up, slightly damp Basil and stuff it in to the tray pockets. you can stuff a little or a lot. Put it in the freezer until frozen.

Step 4: Basil Bullets!

Once frozen, pop them out and store them in a plastic bag in the freezer until needed.