Introduction: Fuel Injector Cleaner Pulse Generator BOX

About: Im a maker, race car lover (DRIFT), electronics engineer and RC hobbies

This is my machine pulse generator to clean injectors, made in low budget, using Arduino and some parts. It can be used in a test bench or only to operate the injectors correctly, keeping them safe while cleaning. Is easy to build so far.

It is useful for a workshop or personally, it operates 4 injectors at the same time, generating the necessary pulses while maintaining a favorable work cycle so as not to damage them or affect their correct operation.

It has 4 speeds and a constant pulse on request, (button on / off) to open the injectors to the maximum if necessary.

Buttons description:

1 = 800 rpm

2 = 1500 rpm

3 = 3600 rpm

4 = 5000 rpm

CON-P = on / off injectors STOP

You can use this calculator to know how many hz is in 1 RPM, this is for ensure the correct speed needed.

RPM to Hertz

Conversion from Hz to RPM:

800 rpm = 13.33hz

1500 rpm = 25hz

3600 rpm = 60hz

5000 rpm = 83.33hz

Step 1: Part List



  • 4 injector EV1 Plugs (from an old VW hardness in this case)
  • Plastic Electrical Box (or any other project box)
  • Wiring
  • Shrink Tubes
  • 12v AC Adapter at least 5amp for injector operation (It could be a Computer PSU or car battery)


  • Screw Drivers
  • Plyers
  • Drill

Step 2: SChematic

Step 3: THE CODE

//============================================================================================<p>//VARIABLES GLOBALES y CONSTANTES
const int b_800rpm = 8;
const int b_1500rpm = 7;
const int b_3600rpm = 10;
const int b_5000rpm = 11;
const int b_salir = 4;
const int b_consflujo = 3; //boton flujo constante al presionar
const int LEDReady = 13;  //Indicador Ready
const int LedRPM = 6;     //Indicador RPM en funcionamiento
const int LED800rpm = 5;  //Indicador 800rpm
const int LED1500rpm = 2; //Indicador 1500rpm
const int LED3600rpm = 12; //Indicador 3600rpm
const int LED5000rpm = A0; //Indicador 5000rpm
const int inject1 = 9;    //pin de injeccion pin9</p><p>//estas variables guardan el flash pattern
int inject_State = LOW;             // estado utilizado para setear el pin
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;        // sera guardara la ultima vez que el pin injeccion fue actualizado</p><p>//Estados de pin Entradas (botones)
int eb_800rpm;
int eb_1500rpm;
int eb_3600rpm;
int eb_5000rpm;
//int eb_usonido;
int eb_salir;
int eb_consflujo;</p><p>//============================================================================================
void setup() {
  pinMode (b_800rpm, INPUT);
  pinMode (b_1500rpm, INPUT);
  pinMode (b_3600rpm, INPUT);
  pinMode (b_5000rpm, INPUT);
  pinMode (b_salir, INPUT);
  pinMode (b_consflujo, INPUT);
  //pinMode (b_usonido, INPUT);</p><p>  //Salidas
  pinMode (LEDReady, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (LedRPM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (inject1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (LED800rpm, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (LED1500rpm, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (LED3600rpm, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (LED5000rpm, OUTPUT);</p><p> // analogReference(INTERNAL);
  digitalWrite (LEDReady, HIGH);
void loop() {</p><p>  eb_800rpm = digitalRead(b_800rpm);
  eb_1500rpm = digitalRead(b_1500rpm);
  eb_3600rpm = digitalRead(b_3600rpm);
  eb_5000rpm = digitalRead(b_5000rpm);
  //eb_usonido = digitalRead(b_usonido);
  eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);
  eb_consflujo = digitalRead(b_consflujo);</p><p>//SELECCION DE SUB RUTINAS - FUNCIONES DE PULSOS</p><p>  //activa a 800rpm
  if (eb_800rpm == HIGH)
  //activa a 1500rpm
  if (eb_1500rpm == HIGH)
    Pulse_1500rpm ();
  //activa a 3600rpm
  if (eb_3600rpm == HIGH)
    Pulse_3600rpm ();
  }</p><p>  //activa a 5000rpm
  if (eb_5000rpm == HIGH)
    Pulse_5000rpm ();
  }</p><p>  //activa inject1 mientras este presionado luego apaga al soltar el boton
  if (eb_consflujo == HIGH)
  digitalWrite(inject1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(inject1, LOW);
/*  //activa el limpiador ultrasonido
  if (eb_usonido == HIGH)
    u_sonido ();
}   //cierra el void loop()</p><p>//============================================================================================
//============================================================================================</p><p>void Pulse_800rpm() {
  for (; ;) {   //800RPM aproximadamente Modo IDLE
    digitalWrite(LedRPM, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED800rpm, HIGH);
    eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);
    long OnTime = 76;           // tiempo encendido en milisegundos
    long OffTime = 61;          // tiempo apagado en milisegundos</p><p>    // verifica si cambio el tiempo del estado del pin de injeccion
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();</p><p>    if ((inject_State == HIGH) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OnTime))
      inject_State = LOW;  // lo apaga
      previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Recuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);  // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    else if ((inject_State == LOW) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OffTime))
      inject_State = HIGH;  // lo encuende
      previousMillis = currentMillis;   // Rercuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);   // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    }</p><p>    else if (eb_salir == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LedRPM, LOW); //apaga el led RPM
      digitalWrite(LED800rpm, LOW);
    }</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p><p>void Pulse_1500rpm() {
  for (; ;) {   //1500RPM 
    digitalWrite(LedRPM, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED1500rpm, HIGH);
    eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);
    long OnTime = 40;           // tiempo encendido en milisegundos
    long OffTime = 32;          // tiempo apagado en milisegundos</p><p>    // verifica si cambio el tiempo del estado del pin de injeccion
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();</p><p>    if ((inject_State == HIGH) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OnTime))
      inject_State = LOW;  // lo apaga
      previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Recuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);  // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    else if ((inject_State == LOW) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OffTime))
      inject_State = HIGH;  // lo encuende
      previousMillis = currentMillis;   // Rercuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);   // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    }</p><p>    else if (eb_salir == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LedRPM, LOW); //apaga el led RPM
      digitalWrite(LED1500rpm, LOW);
    }</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p><p>void Pulse_3600rpm() {
  for (; ;) {   //3600RPM 
    digitalWrite(LedRPM, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED3600rpm, HIGH);
    eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);
    long OnTime = 16.6;           // tiempo encendido en milisegundos
    long OffTime = 13.28;          // tiempo apagado en milisegundos</p><p>    // verifica si cambio el tiempo del estado del pin de injeccion
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();</p><p>    if ((inject_State == HIGH) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OnTime))
      inject_State = LOW;  // lo apaga
      previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Recuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);  // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    else if ((inject_State == LOW) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OffTime))
      inject_State = HIGH;  // lo encuende
      previousMillis = currentMillis;   // Rercuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);   // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    }</p><p>    else if (eb_salir == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LedRPM, LOW); //apaga el led RPM
      digitalWrite(LED3600rpm, LOW);
    }</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p><p>void Pulse_5000rpm() {
  for (; ;) {   //5000RPM 
    digitalWrite(LedRPM, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED5000rpm, HIGH);
    eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);
    long OnTime = 10.52;           // tiempo encendido en milisegundos
    long OffTime = 8.4;          // tiempo apagado en milisegundos</p><p>    // verifica si cambio el tiempo del estado del pin de injeccion
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();</p><p>    if ((inject_State == HIGH) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OnTime))
      inject_State = LOW;  // lo apaga
      previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Recuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);  // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    else if ((inject_State == LOW) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OffTime))
      inject_State = HIGH;  // lo encuende
      previousMillis = currentMillis;   // Rercuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);   // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    }</p><p>    else if (eb_salir == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LedRPM, LOW); //apaga el led RPM
      digitalWrite(LED5000rpm, LOW);
    }</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p><p>/*Esta parte sera dejada para programar correctamente el tiempo de encendido ya pagado 
de la limpiadora ultra sonido*</p><p>*
void u_sonido() {
  for (; ;) {   //800RPM aproximadamente Modo IDLE
    digitalWrite(LedRPM, HIGH);       //indicador RPM
    digitalWrite(ledusonido, HIGH);   //enciende led indicador ultra sonido
    eb_salir = digitalRead(b_salir);  //Estado boton salir
    unsigned long time = millis();
    int toggle = 1;
   digitalWrite(d_usonido, LOW);    //enciende la ultrasonido
   // delay (10);
   // digitalWrite(d_usonido, LOW);     //apaga el estado de d_usonido para dejar listo para otro proceso
 if(millis()-time > 1000)     //Has one second passed?
    toggle = !toggle;          //If so not toggle 
    digitalWrite(d_usonido, toggle);  //toggle usonido
    time = millis();           //and reset time.
    long OnTime = 76;           // tiempo encendido en milisegundos
    long OffTime = 61;          // tiempo apagado en milisegundos</p><p>    // verifica si cambio el tiempo del estado del pin de injeccion
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();</p><p>    if ((inject_State == HIGH) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OnTime))
      inject_State = LOW;  // lo apaga
      previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Recuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);  // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    else if ((inject_State == LOW) && (currentMillis - previousMillis >= OffTime))
      inject_State = HIGH;  // lo encuende
      previousMillis = currentMillis;   // Rercuerda el tiempo
      digitalWrite(inject1, inject_State);   // actualiza el Inject1 actual
    }</p><p>    else if (eb_salir == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LedRPM, LOW); //apaga el led RPM
      digitalWrite(ledusonido, LOW); //apaga el indicador de limpiadora ultrasonido
    }</p><p>  }</p><p>}

Step 4: The Assembly

At this point i had the proyect done like a year ago and i decide to publish it now, so i didnt took photo for the process but as you can see not hard to do something like this following the Schematics. On the other Hands works very well, i had a lot of injectors cleaned with a home made test bank.

Step 5: Testing