Introduction: DIY Full Color Mixing 3D Printer
This Instructables is going to be a work in progress... It's not going to be completed yet, but I wanted to get it started now and I'll work on it over the next couple of weeks to make it a comprehensive Instructable...
Here's a video I made explaining the set-up and how it all works. I'll make a better set of videos that detail everything individually in the near future, but this video should work for now.
So if you are interested in the project - like it, favorite it, save it, then check back in a couple weeks and it should be done...
I did all of this on a Rostock Max that I completely redesigned and rebuilt to utilize the diamond hotend and full color mixing with the new Repetier firmware... I built mine around a delta, however, I want to make this Instructables as universal as possible so you can set it up on any machine you'd like... But I'll mostly be covering deltas because that is what I have/use... But a basic Cartesian FDM printer should be no problem also. (It's actually easier, deltas can be tricky)
Sites to follow
Here are my pages/profiles that I'll be referring to a lot... So follow me on them and you'll get updates as I post them
My Thingiverse
If you would like to connect with me on a professional level here's my Linkedin. (I'm always open to new connections, gotta get to that 500+ connection status, LOL)
My Linkedin
Here's what I plan to cover in this comprehensive Instructable
1) Getting the controller board ready for three extruders... I hacked a Rambo board to drive three extruders, however, you can use any board you want... (most people use a rumba due to it having all the pins/components needed for 3 extruders native on the board)
2) Rewriting Repetier firmware to get color mixing working on your machine.
3) How to install, configure, and use the diamond hotend - tips / tricks / lessons learned / etc...
4) My original bowden extruder design and various ways to mount the three extruders for your set-up
5) My universal magnetic effector plate and accompanying hotend mounts for quickly swapping various hotends. (delta specific)
6) How to design multi-color models and making STLs that can be exported and used as a individual STLs or combining them into an AMF file for slicing...
7) Configuring color mixing in Repetier and Slic3r to print above mentioned multi-color models.
8) Anything else I can think of later that I can't think of now.
9) Comprehensive overview of Quantum Mechanical Entanglement as it pertains to multi-color printing (just kidding, I don't understand that shit... But I will cover multi-color printing throughly)