Introduction: Full Spectrum Flashlight
I've wanted to build a full spectrum flashlight for a while and seeing the Flashlight Contest advertisement enticed me to build it, asap. Once I finished this flashlight it turned out a lot better than i had expected. I now want to make modifications to it to improve it for my next flashlight. I will definitely use this at work now.
Step 1: Obtain Part and Tools
Used or new flashlight casing. I used Military type Flashlight P/N MX-991/U
The following can be found at Radioshack
4.5 vdc power supply (make sure it will fit inside casing with the wires)
I used a 3v battery holder in series with a 1.5 volt battery holder
White LED
Ultraviolet LED
Infrared LED
Yellow LED
Green LED
Blue LED
Round PCB (to fit inside flashlight casing and also backside painted silver to help reflect)
2x 33 Ohm IR
100 Ohm Red
47 Ohm Yellow
68 Ohm Green
15 Ohm Blue
33 Ohm UV
22 Ohm White
6 Position Switch
22 AWG wire
Soldering Iron
Dremel or Drill
Silver spray paint (not absolutely necessary)
soldering iron
Used or new flashlight casing. I used Military type Flashlight P/N MX-991/U
The following can be found at Radioshack
4.5 vdc power supply (make sure it will fit inside casing with the wires)
I used a 3v battery holder in series with a 1.5 volt battery holder
White LED
Ultraviolet LED
Infrared LED
Yellow LED
Green LED
Blue LED
Round PCB (to fit inside flashlight casing and also backside painted silver to help reflect)
2x 33 Ohm IR
100 Ohm Red
47 Ohm Yellow
68 Ohm Green
15 Ohm Blue
33 Ohm UV
22 Ohm White
6 Position Switch
22 AWG wire
Soldering Iron
Dremel or Drill
Silver spray paint (not absolutely necessary)
soldering iron
Step 2: Observe Wiring Diagram
Check out wiring diagram so you know what wires go to what component. Since i was only able to find a 6 position switch i had to chose only six colors to use. I chose IR, Red, Green, Blue, UV, and White. I know i'm missing a few colors to make it an absolute full spectrum, but you can add more LED's if you desire.
Step 3: Start Building
Solder connections carefully. make sure all points have contacts where there supposed to have them, you should also be sure to think out how its going to be put together. for example when i put mine together i realized that i had to put the lights on one end of the flashlight casing then feed the cables through and solder the other end on at the other side. Also be sure to solder the LED's in their proper direction or they will not work. another thing i did was use the existing switch on the flashlight and separated the ground by it, so that i could control its on/off function with it.
Step 4: Assemble and Test
Piece together you flashlight and see what you've got. Here are my colors; IR is invisible to the human eye but visible with a camera, Red, Green, Blue, Ultraviolet, and White.