Introduction: Fun Computer Programs Compilation

I hope you will enjoy these five computer programs I've made!


Step 1: Thing #1-Notepad Extended

Type this into notepad:

@echo off
title Notepad Xtended color f0 echo Save to: (default location is %cd%. Type default for default saving location. Type desktop to save to desktop.)

set /p save= if %save%==default (

set save=%cd%


if %save%==desktop (

set save=C:\Users\%username%\Desktop


echo Extension: HTML WILL NOT WORK!

set /p ex=

echo Title:

set /p title=


Notepad Xtended-%title%

set title=%title: =_%

echo Text:

set /p line= echo %line%>%save%\%title%.%ex%


set /p line=

echo %line%>>%save%\%title%.%ex%

goto start

Save as Notepad extended.bat

Step 2: Thing #2-Folder Creator

Type this into notepad:

@echo off
title Folder creator by Mister Tech Guy

color 9f

echo Please do not run this from folders that have spaces in their names. X out at any time to stop. Invalid answers close the program automaticly.



color oo

set /p color=Color:

color %color%

echo Folder name?

Type : to cancel.

set folder=

set /p folder=

set folder=%folder: =_%

if %folder%==: (

echo Cancelled!


echo File name?

set file=

set /p file=

set file=%file: =_%

echo File contents?

set contents=

set /p contents=

set path=

echo Default saving location is %cd%. Type default to use default saving location.

set /p path=Save to:

if %path%==default (

set path=%cd%


echo Default file type is txt.

set /p type=File type:

if not %folder%==: (

md %path%\%folder%

echo %contents%>%path%\%folder%\%file%.%type%

) else (

echo %contents%>%path%\%file%.%type%


echo Complete!

@echo off

echo Press any key to go to options, or X out of this program.


set /p res=Restart=r; Delete most recent folder=d.

if %res%==r (

goto start


if %res%==d (

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

del %folder%

echo Last chance! Press any key to delete.


rd %folder%


Save as Folder creator.bat

Step 3: Thing #3-Color Changer

Type this into notepad:

@echo off
title Color changer-color ce

color ce


color oo

set /p color=Color:

color %color%

title Color changer-color %color%

goto start

Save as Color changer.bat

Step 4: Thing #4-Deleter

Type this into notepad:

@echo off
title Deleter

color 9f

echo Location of file to delete:

set /p location=

echo Folder or file?

set /p f=

del %location%

if %f%==folder (

rd %location%


Save as Deleter.bat

Step 5: Thing #5-Adder

Type this into notepad:

@echo off
title Adder

color 9f


set add=

set /p filepath=Current adding file is %filepath%. Change to:

echo Add to file:

set /p add=

echo %add%>>%filepath%

goto start

Save as Adder.bat