Introduction: GadgetKeeper Weather Station
GadgetKeeper development platform provides a complete application design, runtime, and intelligence environment allowing the rapid creation of IoT solutions to connect your sensors, devices, and equipment (“Things”) with people and systems.
GadgetKeeper provides a simple development environment, robust APIs and worry-free hosting, you can accelerate your application development and take advantage of simple scalability as the application and the number of your devices grows.
You can easily integrate your application with external IT systems through our powerful APIs, web services, and a completely hands-free hosting environment that automatically scales to meet any demand, whether you’re serving several devices or several million.
In this Instructable I'll make a simple weather station using GadgetKeeper IoT Cloud Platform.
Step 1: Parts
1× Arduino UNO board
1× Arduino Ethernet shield
1× DHT11/22 temperature/Humidity sensor
1x 10k resistor
Step 2: Prepare the Hardware
Since most of the Arduino shields are usable as a stack, you need to apply less effort to setup the hardware. The final setup will be as follows. The connection with DHT11 is described in picture above.
Step 3: Add Required Additional Arduino Libraries
I have used Arduino 1.5.6-r2 version as the IDE.You can download it from this url.( Also the required libraries can be downloaded from following links.
All other required libraries are available as standard libraries with the IDE.
Step 4: Configure GadgetKeeper
After successfully creating account on GadgetKeeper, go to console and create the "weatherStation" thing first.
Step 5: Configure GadgetKeeper
Then create the "temperature" and "humidity" properties under weatherStation as follows.
Step 6: Arduino Sketch
This is the arduino sketch for uploading temperature and humidity values to the GadgetKeeper.
Information about uploading Arduino Sketch can be found here.