Introduction: GarageMate Door Remote DIY Kit

About: Makers of GarageMate Open your garage with Android & iPhone Trusted in thousands of homes worldwide. Simple and secure. Guaranteed to work.

BlueMate's garage opener receiver, aka: GarageMate4.0

The receiver makes use of a TI BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) module along with a custom PCB board that integrates a optical relay simulating a typical wall switch. This setup is compatible with almost all garage openers manufactured in the last 50 years.

A full kit with all the parts, programmed Bluetooth module and app is available at

DIY Kit is available for $34.95
Fully assembled for $49.95
* plus shipping and applicable taxes

Step 1: Add Switch

Place the tactile switch on the PCB as shown.

Bend the two overhanging switch leads around the end of the board, and solder the other two leads to the PCB.

Step 2: Add "Opto" Relay

Place the "opto" into the PCB, note "Pin 1" with the dot shown on the lower right.

Solder just the pin indicated with the yellow arrow, the other pins will be soldered with additional components later. Do not solder all of the pins yet.

Step 3: Add Resistor

Insert the resistor into the PCB, one leg goes thru the same hole as
Pin 1 with the "opto" and the leg goes thru the hole marked "-" negative.

Solder just the one leg of the resistor along with the "opto" pin.

Step 4: Add Capacitor

Insert the capacitor, note the polarity, the black band on the left
indicates the negative side which goes in the same hole as the resistor. Leave the capacitor about a quarter inch out from the board.

Bend the capacitor 90 degrees so that it hangs over the edge of the board.

Solder both leads of the capacitor along with the remaining leg of the resistor and trim with wire cutters.

Step 5: Add LED

Bend the negative lead (the slightly shorter one) like shown.

Push the LED and bent leg thru the bottom of the PCB until it is about
flush with the board. Solder the bent leg, and trim the excess.

The positive lead gets soldered after adding the power adapter.

Step 6: Add Power

Insure the power adapter wires are placed thru the grommet.

Place the wires from the power adapter thru the top-side of the PCB.
Note the holes are marked for red "+" positive and black "-" negative.

Solder the power adapter wires to the board.

Step 7: Complete LED

Bend the long LED lead around the positive wire and solder.

Trim the excess, make sure no wire or solder is touching the neighboring pad.

Bend the other lead of the LED towards the board. Be sure not to bend it
over the screw hole, or touching another pad outlined in red.

Step 8: Add Wires

Insert the stripped ends of the white and red wires thru the top of the PCB into the holes marked 22W and 22R respectively.

Solder the white and red wires on the reverse side of the board, note that the red wire gets soldered along with one of the pins on the "opto". Solder any remaining pins on the "opto" at this time as well.

Push the ends of the wire thru the grommet with the power adapter wires.

When assembly is complete, these wires will attach to and trigger your garage door opener.

Step 9: Add Case & Module

Align the PCB screw wholes with the case, and gently tighten screws. Adjust the position of the grommet to align with the cut out at the top of the case.

Peel the backing off the adhesive tape on the Bluetooth module and at a slight angle carefully slide it on to the header pins of the PCB. Lightly push the module down to "stick" it to the case.

Carefully align the top of the case and "snap" it together. Test pushing the switch a few times, it should easily click in and out thru the hole. If the switch hits or gets stuck on the hole, open the case and adjust the position of the PCB by adjusting the screws, there's a little "wiggle room" to play with.

CONGRATULATIONS you've assembled your new receiver!

Now you can test it by plugging in the power, and clicking the button, you'll see the blue LED come on for a second. You'll also see the LED flash once every few seconds indicating normal operation.

Step 10: Complete Setup & Install

You can now proceed to pairing and wiring to your garage opener as detailed here

Common wiring diagrams for garage openers, connect the red and white wires to the terminals shown.