Introduction: Garden Hot Sauce

About: Self learning person dreaming of engineering

I love to make hot sauce during the summer and try to utilize items that I grew that year.

Last summer I grew heirloom tomatoes, garlic, onion, and Thai peppers.

My warning is to find out how hot your peppers are prior to creating something with them!

Ingredient list:

  1. 1 pint of white vinegar
  2. 1/2 cup of water
  3. 1 t of sea salt
  4. Approx. 10 peppers
  5. 1 clove of garlic
  6. 1 small onion
  7. 1 1/2 cup of tomatoes

Step 1: Cooking the Sauce

After removing the inedible parts of the veggies and washing them off I add them to a pan with vinegar.

Approx. 1 pint + 1/2 cup of water, touch (1t) of sea salt

I let them simmer for about an hour then let cool.

Once it if safely cool, add to a blender or food processor and turn it into Hot Sauce !

Step 2: Bottle the Love

Well you gotta put you hot sauce someplace, right?

I chose a freshly-used whiskey bottle to store the sauce in, my thoughts that it might lend its oak and whiskey flavors, might have but mostly it looked good!


Some Like It Hot Contest

Participated in the
Some Like It Hot Contest

Urban Farming Contest

Participated in the
Urban Farming Contest

Snacks Contest 2016

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2016