Introduction: Garden Storage Wet Shelf
I needed a simple way to store the pool cleaner hoses. My Wife and I came up with the idea of using PVC pipe and netting. It allows any water left on the hose to drip or evaporate.
Step 1: Tools and Parts
Tape measure
Drill and bit
1/2" x 10' PVC Pipe
2-90° PVC elbows
4-45° PVC angles
Wire ties, 4-lg & 10-sm
Bird netting or other type of choice
Step 2: The Build
Each storage bin will be a different size. be sure to adjust the measurements to fit your needs. Our bin was 50" wide and allowed for a 12" deep shelf.
Make the cuts:
2ea -5"
2ea -7"
1ea -39"
1ea -471/2"
Place a 45° angle on both ends of the 5" pieces. Add the 90° elbows to the 7" pieces on one end, take the other end and connect to the 5" piece. Now add the 39" piece between the 5" pieces and the 47 1/2" piece between the 7" pieces.
Cover the PVC pipe with bird netting (or other netting of choice) and attach with small wire ties.
Carefully drill a hole in the top and side of each lip in the storage bin. Feed a large wire tie through the holes. Now place the complete PVC frame in place and secure with the wire ties.