Introduction: Gas Bottle Log Burner
I will be turning an old gas bottle into a log burner/patio heater. My trade is in the welding and fabrication industry therefore i am lucky to have the tools to hand. But to be honest the main tool for this job was a grinder .each step I will inform you of the hours I have spent up to this point. I must add that Im rather fussy and a perfectionist and the hours might give it away :) .
I am no log burner expert but have put many hours of research into this project
Hope you enjoy my project .
I am no log burner expert but have put many hours of research into this project
Hope you enjoy my project .
Step 1: Cutting the Bottle
Spend plenty of time designing your project. Have a look at the materials you have and then mark the bottle .big health and safety risk here , so take the brass valve off and fill with water to disperse the remaining gas. I personally stuck a wooden peg into the hole to stop the water from escaping when butting the bottle on its side .
Here you can see I have welded 12mm square bar so the wood can sit on it allowing air to aid the lighting of the fire from the bottom
total hrs 1.30
Here you can see I have welded 12mm square bar so the wood can sit on it allowing air to aid the lighting of the fire from the bottom
total hrs 1.30
Step 2:
Next step was to make a baffle inside using the steel cut away from the bottle (reinforced with 12square bar) .also out of 40x40x3 box I have made a simple air wash system to keep the fire glass Clean. Also this will aid the second combustion of the fire as the secondary air source will travel up the fire box meaning the air will be hot when mixed with the fire. Hope this makes sense
total hrs 4.5
total hrs 4.5
Step 3:
On this step I cut fire bricks with my bandsaw to insulate the fire and stop it burning a hole in the Back of he 3mm wall bottle.then using steel I cut from the bottle I welded this over the bricks to keep them in place
total hrs 6hrs
total hrs 6hrs
Step 4:
Now the planning and materials hunting comes in , I found 2 log burner doors in the scrap bin and folded 2off 4mm thick adapters allowing me to use the flat doors on the round bottle. I decided to bolt one door shut and hinge the other this is where the hours went. A total of 17hrs has been spent to get it looking like this.
Please note the doors will be removed and rubbed down for paint. I used a piece of 4mm sheet for the top So I can boil a kettle if needed or even cook.
The chimney is 4inch in diameter and wall thickness of 3mm.
Now I decided to test fire the burner, and am pleased to say it pulls like a train. I'm still a long way from finishing but needed to test it. At first the chimney was smoking a bit (un-burnt gass) and after 5min of warming up it was basically smokeless and efficient this is due to the secondary combustion air being hot .
Please note the doors will be removed and rubbed down for paint. I used a piece of 4mm sheet for the top So I can boil a kettle if needed or even cook.
The chimney is 4inch in diameter and wall thickness of 3mm.
Now I decided to test fire the burner, and am pleased to say it pulls like a train. I'm still a long way from finishing but needed to test it. At first the chimney was smoking a bit (un-burnt gass) and after 5min of warming up it was basically smokeless and efficient this is due to the secondary combustion air being hot .