Introduction: GeoGami Hexahedron
When I'm bored I make origami among other things, I learned about these little hexahedrons t not to long a go. They'r fun to play with and quite easy to make.
Step 1: Paper
Take three pices of origami paper and fold them in half and then in half again. Then fold the coners up to the center line created by the first fold. It hellps if you have a basic knowledge origami folds as I am not an expert at explaining things.
Step 2: Assemble
In your right hand hold once peice of paper with the coners facing upwords. In your left hand do the opposit. Slide the corners of the left hand figure in to the pocket of the figure on the right. As I am severly dislexic and did not pay attention when I was taking the pictures, this picture is actually of the opposit of what you are supposed to be doing, so I suppose the right hand left hand thing might not matter after all....
Step 3: Assemble
With step two done, take the last figure and re-fold it in half. Slide it on top of the coners of the right hand figure. Then tuck the corner of the last figure inside the pocket of left hand figure. Got it?
You can also make diffrenint shapes if you glue the the assembled figures togeather.
You can also make diffrenint shapes if you glue the the assembled figures togeather.