Introduction: Geometric Wall Paint

About: Love being creative in everything I do!

Upgrade any interior with geometric shapes!


-Painters Tape

-Few Paint Brushes

-Chalk Paint

Step 1: Locate Accent Wall You Would Like to Add the Geometric Design To.

I just moved into my new home a couple months ago and have slowly been working on updating our unfinished basement area which leads into a bedroom. We are not ready to fully renovate the basement so I decided to add a few things to enhance the shabby appearance!

Step 2: Clean and Repair Any Damages in the Wall If Necessary.

Make sure that the surface you are going to paint on is clean and free of any debris. Depending on the color scheme that you decide to go with, priming the wall first may be necessary. In my case I had already painted the wall a light grey, and the door a matte black and decided to keep these colors as the background.

Step 3: Paint Your Base Color

If you aren't going to keep the current wall color as your base color for this project, prime and paint the wall with chosen background color. It makes sense to use a color that you want throughout the geometric shapes the most. Let dry overnight.

Step 4: Begin Designing Your Shapes With Tape.

Using painters tape (I personally have the best luck with ScotchBlue Painters tape but used whatever I had at home for this project) begin placing your geometric design on your accent wall. Make sure your tape is flat against the wall with no ridges popping up on the side. This will ensure a smooth line when removing the paint. I completely just made up a design as I went along and it ended up working out. This does take some time! I also put some floating triangular shapes on the door to the left of the wall using the sames steps.

Step 5: Paint Over Your Taped Accent Wall.

After I finished applying the painters tape design I began painting in sections. I used three different Colors by Home Décor Chalk Paint by folkart. I first applied the darker grey paint on the thinner sections outlining most of the shapes. I then mixed the black and white paint evenly throughout the remaining shapes, leaving some as my original light grey background color.

Step 6: Apply Second Coat If Necessary & Remove Tape

I applied a second coat to all the geometric shapes to make the color more bold. Slowly remove the tape while the paint is still wet at a 45 degree angle.

Step 7: Touch Up Any Unclean Lines.

Using a smaller paint brush touch up any areas that may have bled from the tape. Finished!