Introduction: German Standard Size Custom Made Envelopes and Greeting Cards Set

This is my first Instructable ,and I hope  I have got it correctly.

Since I am in to penpalling  I receive a whole lot of cards from my pals.I have 32 pals and it is too expensive for me to buy cards for all of them for all the social events and holiday greeting cards
I collect all the cards which I receive and re use most of them to make my own cards.
There are two sizes of German standard size envelopes for postal  at the rate of   € .55 cents and €.75 cents stamp fee.If you exceed this size you pay more for your stamp fee. The envelope  sizes are 11.4x16.2 and 22 X11 cm
Here I show you as how to make  the  size 11.4 X16.2 cm  envelopes and greeting cards  in matching colours as a set.

I was introduced to this site by  pro member  786Ayesha.

Step 1: Requirments

Coloured   A4 paper
Ruler (I have the cm measurement on my ruler)
stickers(Forgot to include in the photo)
Some used greeting cards (forgot to include in the photo)

Step 2: Draw the Envelope

I always make the small standard  size  11.4 X 16.2 cm  envelopes because the A4 size paper is right  enough for it..
I marked and  drew  the size  of  the  envelope of  the above measurement.Then marked  the folding areas on four sides.Then cut out the envelope.

Step 3: Trace and Cut

Now I traced  the envelopes on the other  A4 coloured papers,and cut them out neatly.

Step 4: Paste the Envelopes

Fold the two sides marked  x inwards and apply glue.Now fold the side marked A upwards and paste on to the  glued sides.
The same applies to all the other envelopes.

Step 5: Cut the A4 Paper to Fit in to the Envelope

Fold an A4 paper in to two ,mark 11x16cm which is a little bit smaller size than the envelope.When it is a little bit smaller it can be slipped in easily in to the envelopes..Cut out very neatly.
Match the colours to each envelopes.

Step 6: Use Old Cards and Stickers

I selected some nice cards that I  received and cut out the  pictures neatly and pasted them on top of the folded paper.
I removed all the nice stickers carefully and re used to make my cards.From my collection of stickers I pasted a  ''HI'' sticker inside a card.On the envelope out side I pasted  a little sticker saying ''Here's a happy note.
Please refer pictures...

Step 7: Beautiful Cards

My pals are always happy to receive my self made cards.