Introduction: Gesture Robot With Homemade Arduino

In this post we are going to explain how to build step by step a Gesture Control Car with our own Homemade Arduino. This includes how it works; all the mechanics, components, etc.

We hope you like it us much we did descovering what´s the science behind an Arduino

What´s an Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs, like, light on a sensor, a finger on a button or a lot more complex tasks.

You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing. It is use by artist, students, progammers and professionals, used mainly for proyects but also can be use us little fun experiments.


How it Works:

After finishing building our Homemade Arduino and The Gesture Control Car, we will program the Arduino to recognize the acceloremeter and our moves with the hand.

The Arduino will be attach to a glove so it´s easily to handle, you may also see in what position hassels you the least.

Step 1: Component List

Homemade Arduino:

  • Breadboard (440 ot 840 Tie Point)
  • 22 AWG Wires (Various Colors)
  • 2 LEDs (Any Colors)
  • 2 220 Ohm Resistors (Red, Red, Brown)
  • 7805 Voltage Regulator
  • 1 10k Ohm Resistors (Brown, Black, Red)
  • 2 10 uF Capacitors
  • 16 MHz Clock Crystal
  • 2 22 pF Capacitors
  • Small Momentary Tact Switch
  • TTL - 232R3V3 USB . Serial Converter Cable
  • ATMEGA328 or ATMEGA 168
  • 9v Battery

Gesture Control Car:

  • Arduino Lilypad or Homemade Arduino
  • Acceloremeter
  • RF 433 Module
  • HT12E and HT12D
  • Motor Driver L293DNE
  • BO Motor and Wheels
  • Protoyping Board
  • 2 9v Battery
  • Wood
  • Battery
  • 7805 Voltage Regulator
  • Wires
  • 2 330k Ohm Resistors


  • USB 2 Wire
  • Male and Female Wire
  • Glove
  • Tin
  • Electric Welder
  • Arduino
  • Glue Gun

Step 2: Arduino: Setting Power Up

First, we need to Set Up Power otherwise nothing would work. (Red = Power, Black = Ground)

1. Add power and ground to the bottom of the BroadBoard, where the Voltage Regulator will be.

2. Add power and ground to the bottom of the Broadboard, connecting each rail.

3. Put the Voltage Regulator by the side of the right, then one 10 uF Capacitors to his left and the other one at the rigth rail.

4. Add the LED by the side of the Supply Input, is our Power indicator; and a 220 Ohm Resistor between the lef rail and the middle.

Now we have the Power Set Up.

Step 3: Pin Mapping: ATMEGA328/168

Now we are going to hook up all our components.

To prevent any RESET during process put the 10k Ohm Capacitor to the RESET Pin.

1. Add the 16MHz Clock Crystal between Pin 9 and 10, and add the Two 22 pF Capacitors running to ground at the left rail.

2. Add the Small Button so you can Reset the Arduino whenever you want and prepaer it for programming, and add a small wire to the bottom left leg of the Switch to the RESET.

3. Finally add a power wire to the Pin 19, connect it to the LED (long leg to Wire) and put the other 220 Ohm Resistor going to right rail. (Try blinking the LED)

You are seeing an almost functional Arduino.

Step 4: Bootloading and Programming

What´s a Bootloader?

A Bootloader is a piece of code that runs before any operating system is running; basically without it nothing wouls happen.

Arduino Bootloading:

If you have a new ATMEGA328 you will need to burn the bootloader onto it.

Here is the link you may follow:


Connect the TTL-232R3V3 USB to the protoboard, then put it together with wires to the ATMEGA328; check that your 9v battery is not connected.

Open up the Arduino IDE and in the Examples sketch files, under Digital, load the Blink sketch

Under the file option Serial Port, select COM port that you are using with your USB cable.

Now press the upload icon and then hit the reset button; if all is function correctly tha LED on Pin 13 would Blink, beacuse is programm for that.

Once you finish programming wherever you want, in this case The Gesture Control Car, you can diconnect it and youse your 9v Battery for power.

Step 5: Gesture Car: Building Structure

Start building the structure of the car with pieces of wood, littles ones, 2 blocks for front and behind (where wheels go) and one large at the middle for support; paste it with the Glue Gun

Then paste the motors to by each side and plug the 4 wheels. Weld a power mad ground to each motor.

Cut a 15x15cm Saquare, cut it so it fit to the structure (base)

Step 6: Transmitter Circuit

Now we are going to start crafting the Transmitter Circuit and Programming.

Check the video from 3.36 to 6.17: Transmitter Circuit

Coding for The Gesture Car:

Download Plan:

Step 7: Receiver Circuit

Now start carfting the Receiver Circuit

Check the video from 6:18 to 8:34: Reciever Circuit

Download Plan:

Finally glue all to the base and its ready to fully work.

Proyect original made by Tapendra Mandal; Channel Link