Introduction: Get "FREE" Pay-per View Channels! the Ultimate Remote Control Hack
Here is an Instructable that I have succesfully done many times. But first a couple warning notes you may want to consider before attempting this yourself. First, this can only be done with televisions that have pay per view channels running directly through the tv. In other words no external cable box ( hotel/motel rooms usually implement this). Secondly any damage that you may have on the T.V. , remote will most likely be charged to you. Use caution and the right tools, there should be no problems. I take no responsibility for charges that may incure by accesing these blocked channels. The more that people expose this hack, the sooner it will somehow be blocked by management. THIS IS INTENDED FOR FUN ONLY!!!
Step 1: Things Needed....
Things Needed are a T.V. with pay per view channels , A small philips , small flathead , a penny , and the remote control. Remove the batteries and any small screws that may hold the remote together. Now very carefully using the flat head pop the two sides apart , exposing the back of the circuit board.
Step 2: Step Two....
Step two is to replace the batteries while keeping the insides from falling out. Grab a penny and place toward the top of the remote.
Step 3: Now....
Now while changing the channels, rub the penny back and forth on the back of the circuit board until the desired channel is viewable.
Step 4: Remove...
Remove the penny and replace the back cover. Tighten screws, and replace batteries and cover. you can now enjoy the otherwise blocked channels!! I havent done this in quite sometime, so some positive feedback (if still works) would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy