Introduction: Get Slack Status on Dot Matrix LED Display

About: I am a highly competent IT professional with a proven track record in System Administration, DevOps, and IoT. I have strong technical skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills, enabling me to interact w…

Brief Description:

This is an ESP8266 project on the Arduino platform, where it retrieves a user profile status from Slack.

Sometimes your colleague with you in the same office didn't recognize your status while you are on a meeting/call or focusing on some tasks. So using this project you will be able to show everyone your status at any time by setting your status on Slack and this little hardware will get it shown on the Led-Matrix display 😁

Arduino Libraries:


Step 1: Slack App Creation

Create a Slack app and follow the instructions in the screenshots to get the App token and your user ID, write down those data and keep them in a safe place, you will use them at a later step.

The JSON code provided below will be used in step 4 during the app creation in order to determine the app scope

You can validate your token and user ID on Slack API Documentation Page

  "display_information": {
    "name": "GetUserStatus"
  "features": {
    "bot_user": {
      "display_name": "GetUserStatus",
      "always_online": false
  "oauth_config": {
    "scopes": {
      "bot": [
  "settings": {
    "org_deploy_enabled": false,
    "socket_mode_enabled": false,
    "token_rotation_enabled": false

Step 2: Hardware

Connect a Dot-matrix LED display 8x32 to your esp8266 board

You need to follow the pinout mapping according to the board type you use, you will find the connectivity instruction on the code

Burn the code

Download the source code from GitHub

Use your favorite IDE ( Arduino IDE for example) Select your board from the list, for more detailed instruction

Step 3:

Configure WiFi and Slack App Integration

Connect you to the WiFi AP

(The name will be the board mac address without ":")

Browse to and set the proper values

Step 4: