Introduction: Getting Started With MRPi1 Robot
This web page present the first step with MRPi1 robot.
MRPi1 is a mobile robot based on Raspberry A+ with many sensors :
- 6 proximity sensors,
6 light sensors,
- 2 DC motors with encoders,
- Speaker,
- temperature sensors,
- Wifi,
What do you need ?
- MRPi1 robot,
- SSH client (exemple: Putty)
- A PC with wifi communication
Step 1: Wifi Connexion
Robot login
If you use Windows :
Wifi conexion via your computer
- Wifi network password: raspberry
Step 2: Putty Configuration :
- IP Address :
- Port : 22
- Connexion type : SSH
Step 3: Putty Connexion
- login : pi
- password : raspberry
Your are connect to MRPi1 robot, congratulations !