Introduction: Getting Free Music Legally (and Converting It to MP3 Format)
In this instructable i will show you how to get free music without downloading it or instead of hooking it up to the headphones jack you could hook it up to your record player and transfer your vinyl to MP3.
Step 1: Tools
1)LAME "LAME ain't an MP3 encoder"
2)Audacity "open source cross platform sound recorder
3)Weird cable
2)Audacity "open source cross platform sound recorder
3)Weird cable
Step 2: Get Audacity
Start Internet, then go to and search for Audacity then download it.
Step 3: Setup Audacity
Follow the instructions to install Audacity.
Step 4: Download LAME
Go to Sourceforge.netand find and download LAME.
Step 5: Configure LAME
Now just follow the pictures Search for lame.exe go to the folder you downloaded it to.
Step 6: Plug Cable In
Plug the cable in to the front headphone and Mic jacks
Step 7: Now Turn Them Into MP3's
Follow where i click then enter the id3 data where i do id3s hold the data like song title and author
Step 8: Final Thoughts
Remember to open a new Audacity window every time on the id3 data doesn't stay the same. I don't know whats wrong but in stem seven you find some internet radio and when the music starts you hit record.