Introduction: Trash Bin Robot - Giant Hungry Robot
Hello guys! I just made a giant hungry robot which can eat literally everything!
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Step 1: Hungry Robot?
If you subscribed my channel, you might know this hungry robot which was fully made by 3d printer. this time, I am not going to use 3d printer at all.
I am also not going to use arduino, in fact, instead of arduino, I am gonna use Robotis control board which is easier than arduino.
In this Instructables, I’m gonna show you how I built this robot. Let’s get started!
Step 2: Material
I bought a basket for a main body from Clas Olhson.
I also bought a small basket for hands of the robot. You may use a pack for milk or something like that.
I taped the small basket on the handle of basket and tested it briefly.It seemed working well.
Step 3: Material and Tools
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These are the things you need to prepare,
This is a servo motor which is called Robotis Dynamixel.
very smart and strong so the robot easily lift any stuff on his hand.
This is the control board which is called CM530. This board has an awesome function for servo motors.Once you see how it deals with servo motors. You must like this company.
The robot will use 12v for its power, so, I prepared the SMPS but later, I am gonna use a littum battery.
This is a distance sensor. This sensor was also used in the previous robots.
Instead of using 3d printer, I am gonna use hot melt glue and duct tape.
Step 4: Hardware Frame 1
Let’s make a room for the servo motor, I simply measured its size and cut the basket with a cutter.
As I expected, it isn’t fit well so, I adjusted them a few times.
I temporary fixed it with the duct tape and put a large amount of hot melt glue to secure them.
I also used the duct tape to fix the small basket with the handle.
Step 5: Horn
This is kind of most important moment of this project because this part moves handle.
The white thing I attached to the servo motor is called “Horn”.
It connects other parts with a servo motor.
We need to secure them firmly so, I used a very large amount of hot melt glue which looks very professional.
They look a little bit ugly but well, they work.
Step 6: Circuit
It’s time to assemble circuit things together.
This is the distance sensor, which uses infrared light.
The sensor will tell the controller how far the object in front is from the robot.
In order for the robot to see if there’s something is inside of his hand,the robot must have a sensor.
You may use other ways to check but I used this way because this is very easy.
I connected the sensor with port number 1 on the controller, you may need to remember the port number because we are going to read the port status in the program.
I also put the other cable which is from the servo motor on the controller.
I tested briefly with a manager application for the servo motor
Step 7: Lid
This is another important things to make because this part lifts the lid.
In order to make it work, I used a plastic stick.
It didn’t work well so I had to put one more link between the arm and lid.
Step 8: ID for Servo Motor
Let me show you how I programmed and downloaded its code into the controller.
Basically, in order to use this servo motor, we need to change its ID number.
I changed the ID number as number 1. I used RobotPlus Manager for it.
A robot company called Robotis is very good at this kind of things.
You may refer to the website.
You can also test it instantly.
Step 9: Monitor Program for the Sensor
Here is the main programme I used for the overall system.
Its name is R+ Task. as you can see, with this program, you can put some logic into the robot.
It uses its own language rather than c++ or something like complex programme language.
For the beginners, this is good for learn how logical programs are made.
Because I wanted to see a distance data from the sensor, I temporary made a monitor programme like what we do with an arduino serial monitor.
Step 10: Main Program
Its logic is very simple.
When sensor data is over than a threshold value, rotate the servo motor in a certain amount of angle,
then wait for a short moment and then rotate the servo back to the initial angle.
When you are ready to download the code, press the download button.
and wait for a few second then the robot is ready to go.
Step 11: Finishing
Lastly, I put the eyes on the lid for fun.
It was nice and fun to build this robot.
Moreover it was easier than Arduino.
If you have any question, please leave comment below.