Introduction: Giant Marshmello of Doom!!!!!!!!!!!!

About: The following was written when I was about 10, and I'm just going to keep it as it is. i LOVE LONGBOARDING !!!!!!!!!!! My Top 5 ::::::::::: …
Im going to show you how to make a marshmello do THIS!!!!!!

Step 1: Step Uno!

What you need:

-Microwave-safe plate (paper is fine)
-Microwave (duhhhh)

(By the way this is an Ina-approved recipe)

Step 2: Put the Marshmello on the Plate

Well thats pretty much it.......

Step 3: Place in Microwave...

that thing your grandparents refuse to buy because its a newfangled contraption....

Step 4: Turn It on ....

i put it on 1 minute......................

Step 5: Watch It Do This!!

Step 6: Then It Turnes Into....

Then it turnes into this 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degree mess that tasts terrible....