Introduction: Giant Slingshot

About: I'm a big geek who enjoys reading, programing iOS apps, HTML, and arduino robot. I am a huge sci-fi geek and my favorite shows are Doctor Who (& I'm American!), Eureka, & Warehouse 13. I participate in a great…
This Instructable will show you how to make a giant slingshot.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything you do with knowledge.
PS I am entering this in the Alchemy Goods Inner Tube Reuse Contest!

Step 1: Materials

You will need a inner tube (any as long as it is still holding together, it's ok if it is punctured)
a frame (giant Y log, two trees ect.)
a bucket or plastic bowl

Step 2: Step 1

Using scissors cut the out the air input valve.then cut the long way down on both sides so you get 2 long strips.

Step 3: Step 2

Tie the end of each strip on either side of the buket

Step 4: Step 3

Now tie the other ends to each side of the frame

Step 5: Your Done!

Now pull back and FIRE! Remember to always stay safe and launch anything other than water balloons at other people.