Introduction: "Glass-Coated" Coconut Truffle

About: Love for LEDs, woodworking and miniature scale amusement rides.

No matter the season, whether it is hot or cold, it is inevitable that at some point we will really crave a very sweet dessert. And even more now, in times of social distancing.

But sometimes cooking something that pleases that craving is very laborious and ends up being much more of a pain than pleasure.

To solve this, I present to you the incredible "Glass-Coated" Coconut Truffle. A super simple dessert to make but very delicious to taste. It is a win-win situation, as it requires few ingredients and the result is very rewarding.

With that being said, let's get to work!



For the filling:

- 1 can condensed milk;

- 4 oz grated unsweetened coconut (a little under 1 ½ cup, or half a package);

- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter;

- 1 egg yolk.

For the “glass” cover:

- 2 cups granulated sugar;

- 1 cup water;

- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (will help with the consistency of the topping).

Step 1: Combining the Ingredients for the Filling

In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients of the filling.

Sift the egg yolk, so it won't leave any unpleasant odor in the recipe.

Still out of the burner, incorporate everything. Don't worry about dissolving the butter, it doesn't have to be completely dissolved. Pay attention to the egg yolk, as it cannot be in direct contact with the fire to avoid cooking separately.

Step 2: Cooking the Filling

Over low heat, mix the ingredients.

It will take from 5 to 10 minutes for the consistency of the mixture to set. Stay tuned and always stir so that the filling does not stick to the pan.

Once the mixture has a firm consistency, as shown in the photo, you can turn off the heat.

Don't be afraid, the egg yolk will have cooked up enough to that point.

Step 3: Reserve the Filling

Spread the filling in a deep dish. I used this metal one, so it helps to distribute the heat inside the refrigerator.

Cover with a plastic wrap touching the filling.

Refrigerate until very cold. You can make it quicker by placing it in the freezer. Keep an eye on the time, so it won't get frozen hard.

Set aside. It will take about 5 hours in the refrigerator.

Step 4: Rolling the Filling Into Truffles

After the filling has rested, take it out of the refrigerator.

Form the dough into balls approximately 1 inch in diameter.

There is no secret, if you have cooked the filling well, it should be firm enough not to stick to your hands. If it still sticks, rub a little butter on your hands.

Return the balls to the refrigerator while we prepare the coating.

Step 5: Making the “glass” Coat

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan.

Still out of the heat, incorporate everything very well, taking care not to splash any ingredients to the pot side walls.

After incorporating, bring to the stove at a medium-low heat.

Let the sugar dissolve and wait for the mixture to bubble.

Follow the process and wait until the syrup acquires an amber color.

Keep a glass of water next to the stove. You will drip some of the syrup on it as soon as you no longer smell the vinegar. The correct point is when the drop of syrup falls into the glass and hardens instantly.

As soon as you get there, get out of the stove and hurry, this step will require agility.

Step 6: Glazing the Truffles

Spread butter on top of a baking sheet, or line it with parchment paper.

Using a toothpick, take one ball at a time and dip it in the sugar syrup.

Wait for the excess syrup to drain and place the truffle on the baking sheet.

Do it to all the balls and you're done!

Step 7: Done!

We're finished, now just enjoy it! You can keep them refrigerated for up to two days (the time may vary, depending on the humidity conditions in your area). I find it a little difficult to last more than 24 hours. Because it is delicious, everyone around will eat up all of them at once.

If you prefer, you can change the grated coconut filling to some dry ingredient of your choice.

Use your imagination!