Introduction: Glitter Striped Ornaments

About: I am really into creating. I don't stick to one specific "genre" when it comes to creating. So I do whatever I feel like, and if it turns out nifty, I share it!
Since I'm going all Martha Stewart on my Christmas tree I decided that I needed some ornaments to help tie in my tree topper. Now, I have cats, so that means I have to have non breakable ornaments, because you just never know when the tree will be turned into a jungle gym. I don't know if you've ever seen a non breakable ornament, but they are pretty simple and cheap looking. Definitely not the look I'm going for. So needless to say my cheap ornaments needed a face lift.

Step 1:

Here's what you'll need to get started:

Mod Podge


Step 2:

First, attach the hemp to the ornaments and rig something up to hang the ornaments from. It will make this much easier for you. Since I live with a DJ we have a lot of milk crate lying around (for holding records), so I took two of those and shoved a broom in between them. Now, take the mod podge and and put a small coating on the bottom.

Step 3:

Now shake some glitter on the glue spot & let it dry.

Keep applying stripes of glue and glitter letting each stripe dry before applying another.

Make sure to coat the top of the ornament and again... let it dry!