Introduction: Glowing Footprints Tile

About: Interaction Design Student

This project was made for the HKU university of arts Utrecht. It's a prototype for a stair covered in these tiles so that people leave footprints on the stair and so get more motivated to take the stair over the escalator.

What you need:

- Arduino Uno

- Arduino assocories (breadbord, kabels etc.)

- Neopixel strip (LED strip)

- Acrylic sheet

- Plywood

- Transparent paper

- 12V adapter

- Shampoo

- Ziplock bags

Step 1: Making the Tile

To make the base of the tile you need two equally large pieces of plywood and acrylic. Between those you make a zigzag pattern of plywood to support the acryloc above it. It should be able to hold the pressure of someone standing on the acrylic plate so that LED strip laying between the zigzag pattern wouldn't be crushed.

Tape the LED strip on the plywood so it is not able to move under the acrylic. Put the acrylic piece on top and tape or glue the whole thing together.

Step 2: Making the Top

Put shampoo in ziplock bags and tape them to the acrylic top.

Step 3: Changing the Light

The easiest way to program the LED strip is to implemt a library in Arduino IDE. The one that I used Adafruit NeoPixel library. We'll be using an example from the library to change the colors of the Led strip.

Adafruit NeoPixel library:

When dowloaded open the Arduino and find the example code under:

File > Examples > AdaFruit NeoPixel > Strandtest

When that's open made sure you change the define pin is the same as yours and change the 1st parameter in Adafruit-Neopixel to the number of leds you have in your LED strip. It looks like this:

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

I only used the rainbow function in the script and threw all the other scripts out but you can experiment with all the functions of the script to find the desired light pattern.