Introduction: Glue Press Quick Build

About: I really like woodworking and Metalwork. I like to build just about anything that pops into my head. I like making Jigs that makes jobs easier and saves time.. I have a few videos on My Youtube Channel but t…

This was a quick build built from scrap/upcycle.

I needed this for some gluing up as at the time I did not have any clamps.

It is made from An adjustable shelf brackets that can be raised or lowered and particle board x3 layers

some offcuts of 3"x2" pressure treated leftovers, the top braces are from a rail and bracket system off a curtain valance set, an old scissor jack, offcuts of a scaffolding board. all screwed glued and bolted together, There is not a lot else to say about it as it was a very simple build. Took me around 1 Hour and 30 mins.I'll try to upload a video of it and see if it works...

Step 1: Video of the Press

Just a quick video of it :) This is also My youtube channel and link to my Google+